The Fitness Class You Need to Love Your Body

For a long time, I believed if I wasn’t getting a sweat on or feeling sore after a workout, that it wasn’t fitness. Was it really worth the effort if I was gaining the benefit of crushing calories? This mindset likely came from my definition of health and wellness, which at the time focused only on food and fitness. 

Over the last year, I’ve come to learn that health and wellness is so much more. It’s about how you feel on the inside so you can show up as yourself on the outside. It’s about healing and nurturing your body in order to feel full of vitality to go after what you want in life. 

Too often we focus on the external factors leading to comparison, judgement, guilt, and body shaming. But what if there was a different way? Is it possible to have a good workout that exercises your body, mind and soul? 

After all, our bodies were meant to move. They say I danced before I walked. And if you ask Julianne Hough, it is the same for everyone. That’s why she created Kinrgy: an expanded fitness method that combines breath, movement, and self-expression leading to connection and transformation. 

Having dedicated much of my life to dance, I had been craving a way to move my body that didn’t require the flexibility and technique that requires hours of training. Sure, I love a morning run, a good strength workout, and a pilates class, but Kinrgy gives me something that other workout classes can’t: an opportunity to express myself, be true to myself, and love myself. 
And the best part is the Kinrgy method serves all dancers regardless of their experience. In other words, anyone and everyone - yes, you too! 

We shouldn’t feel self-conscious to move our bodies because they don’t look a certain way. Rather, we should feel inspired to move because it’s part of our human nature. Our souls are yearning to be creative, to express themselves. 

I believe that self-expression is self-care. 

And when you can engage your imagination, unlock your creativity, and embrace self expression, you can step into who you are truly meant to be. From that place you are able to nurture your curiosity, confidence, and courage. Feeling healthy and whole on the inside is a powerful force - it reminds you to honour your body and to love your body. 

I encourage you to experience it for yourself. After all, transformation is a personal journey. 

Open your mind, dance your heart out, and discover what it means to live life in its most beautiful form: pure love.

Article by: Kirsten Schmidtke 

Photo by: Leydon Photography


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